Eccentric architecture and spectacular space

Autor: klanten, r. - feireiss, l.

Idioma: INGLES

Nº Edición: 1º

Año Edición: 2008

Páginas: 319

Código: 99552256



Strike a Pose! documents a new extroverted architectural language. Manifested
in spectacular structures, eccentric forms and vivid colours, this expressive
approach goes way beyond conventional stylistic and geographic boundaries.
Strike a Pose! leads the reader around the globe to iconographically charged
scenes and futuristic spaces, with examples of architectural playfulness and
experimental wanderlust ranging from private residences to schools and operas,
museums and interior design.
Conceived and edited by Lukas Feireiss, the editor of Spacecraft, this publication
inspires beyond the traditional borders of genre, further indicating architecture s
pop appeal and its contagious and entertaining effect.